Tuesday 24 December 2013

New Method of Hunting Exo Planet

Scientists develop new method to observe the Exo Planets in other solar systems. The latest technique is believed to capture the small-mass planets similar to Earth.

Exo Planet trigger far more often than frown scientists created a sensation . The second Earth was being targeted has not been found . Instead astronomers reveal a magical world that is more like hell , hot and inhospitable to life .

To outsmart the world of astronomy developed a new method to distinguish the mass of a planet expo . The method uses the orbits of celestial bodies concerned . If the planet has an atmosphere , then it will filter light for a moment when the parent tatasuryanya orbit .
From the data obtained scientist claims to determine the radius and the mixture of gases that make up the planet's atmosphere , as well as the density of molecules in the atmosphere and temperature . Based on this information the mass of the planet can be determined more accurately concerned .
Observe a small planet
So far scientists use a method called Doppler Spectroscopy to measure the mass exo planet . This method measures the motion of the parent who reacts to gravity planets revolving around it . In such cases , the wavelength of light emitted from the star will change periodically .
More than half of Exo Planet is known today discovered through Doppler spectroscopy method . Another method used is to measure changes in the emission of light when a planet orbits the solar system mains .

Exo Planet GJ 1214b           

Such methods his case more often to capture the giant planets similar or exceeds the mass of Jupiter or Saturn . Scientists so far have trouble finding low-mass planets like the earth , the solar system , or if the parent emits a dim light .
The new phase observations Exo Planet
The new method is called the Mass Spectroscopy can complement observational methods Exo Planet which has been used scientist . This new method by Sara Seager , Professor Astonomi at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) , suitable to observe gas planet or planets that have thin atmospheres like Earth .
The professor hopes , the new method can initiate a new phase observations of the solar system in space . According to him , the focus of research in the next few years is " partially observed object in the sky that holds the most potential to life " . And the mass of a large planet to find a role similar to Exo Planet Earth .
Nevertheless Seager says , rocky planets can only be observed through a telescope with more accurate future . One is the James Webb Space Telescope is expected to start operations in 2018

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