Monday 23 December 2013

Alternative Nobel for Brave People

Right Livelihood Award or Alternative Nobel Prize, given to people who contributed greatly to the creation of a better world. Gifts delivered on Monday (02/12). Here are some of this year's winners.

 Alternative Nobel is a great honor, even for Raji Sourani who became the first Palestinian to earn the award. When listening to a notification, it said, "This award is especially important for senior Palestinian Gaza Strip and other occupied areas, because this gift direct attention to our world."
For the Palestinian people, the situation is most dire, if the world does not care about their situation because is considered normal.

Fighting for human rights for Palestinian citizens

Sourani, 59-year-old legal expert, fighting for human rights in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of the Jordan with the help of the organization he founded, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR). They provide counseling for victims of human rights violations and their families, and represent them in court. They also documented human rights violations, as well as offering courses for lawyers from across the Arab region. 
Law experts fought simultaneously in several fron. On the one hand there is the Israeli occupation, Palestinian citizens who make life full of suffering. On the other hand, PCHR must confront Hamas authorities in the Gaza Strip. There are many rules that make difficult people, such as the prohibition on the go. In the West Bank of the Jordan citizens problems concerning freedom of expression, intimidation by police, corruption and misuse of funds by the authorities in the autonomous Palestinian rule.

Sourani not afraid to express an opinion and confidence to everyone. For his bravery he must pay dearly. It was several times imprisoned and tortured. Because unyielding, PCHR now has 64 employees, and has offices in Gaza City and Ramallah.

Fighting for the Rights of Women In Congo

Fighting for Women's Rights In KongoDenis Mukwege survived the attack. October 25, 2012, an unidentified person entered the residence heavily armed doctor. Denis Mukwege is the head of Panzi Hospital, in the city of Bukavu, in eastern Congo setiapharinya He took care of women who are victims of sexual violence. He repeatedly expressed condemnation of sexual violence are becoming one of the methods in the war. 
News for Mukwege gift , given in September , brings joy in the Congo . Mukwege is a great help for women who were raped , said Thérèse Mema of the Commission for Justice and Peace of the diocese of Bukavu . " He always accompany them , provide consultation in a variety of questions and stay humble , " said Mema in an interview with the Deutschen Welle .
Her work is calling . Source of inspiration is his father who is a pastor . " He gave me a blessing to be able to help others ," said Mukwege the Deutschen Welle , when Olof Palme Prize in 2009 . Initially he enrolled in Burundi , then worked in a hospital in a small town Lemera . He was surprised because a lot of women in that area die every day , for example when giving birth . That prompted him to specialize in the field of gynecology in France .
Back in Congo , with international support , Mukwege set up a new project , Panzi Hospital , in Bukavu . The hospital is particularly well known for ginekologinya section . Here Mukwege and his colleagues care for women and girls from all over the province , who are victims of warring parties . Now Mukwege not just doctors , but a fighter for women's rights in the Congo .

"Destroy Chemical Weapons in the World"
Paul Walker of the U.S. also gained Alternative Nobel Prize, for his efforts over the decades to destroy chemical weapons around the world. According to the foundation's Right Livelihood Award, Walker was instrumental in the extermination of 55,000 tons of chemical weapons
According to Walker , the award be a big help in his work . The U.S. and Russia are already taking care of their chemical weapons stockpiles of the Cold War era from the 1990s . But they do not get a lot of media attention . The award helps put pressure on states that have not signed the chemical weapons convention , such as Israel , Egypt , North Korea , Myanmar , southern Sudan and Angola , to co-signed . For the near future , it directs the attention of the world the gift of the situation in Syria .
Beginning in the 1990s he was in charge of organizing the trip ispektur U.S. chemical weapons to the arsenal of chemical weapons in the steppes of Russia Sibiria . He was surprised when he saw the size of the warehouse , and the weapon is ready to use . He and his colleagues are aware , they should immediately help Russia to improve security in the area , and formulate eradication program . It is now approximately 75 % of chemical weapons in the arsenal destroyed . It strengthened his determination to continue the mission , prior to chemical weapons or channeled to other countries into the hands of terrorists .

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