Friday 27 December 2013

Autonomous Robots For Dangerous Mission

Intelligent and autonomous robots are now increasingly being deployed for tasks that are very dangerous to humans. For example, clearing mines, chemical leaks or the atomic accident.
Smart robots with capabilities and highly diverse forms , to handle hazardous areas or conditions indicated in the M - ELROB robot competition held in Switzerland recently . Such robots competed for different tasks and must demonstrate reliability .
For example , a VW Touareg car full of technical equipment such as camera sensors , laser scanners and computers , participate in a competition called donkey scenario . Sophisticated car without a driver designed by Thorsten Lüttel , autonomous systems engineers in aerospace and space branches in the German army academy in Munich .
Sensors scan camera about the situation , laser scanners to measure the distance and create a cloud points of three -dimensional , while the computer is in charge of analyzing the data , and with it control of the car autonomously , in a sense operate the gas , brake , steering wheel and gearshift gear .
In this competition , the car should follow the car in front of him . " The car that the robot does not know where to be advanced to . Thing in mind , should follow the car in front of him , no matter which way " , said the researchers from the University of Munich .
Map created on the way
In other competitions , the robots were tested in a search for a route to independence scenario specified targets . Robots just given GPS position coordinates of the target location , but there is absolutely no maps or other information .
A small vehicle with a chain -wheel drive like tanks , artificial Frank Holler from the Fraunhofer Institute for Communication , Information and Ergonomie analysis ( FKIE ) participated in the competitions page.
This small robot must find its target in difficult hilly terrain and berlembah . To that end , the robot utilizes a laser image made ​​himself into a map . The farther the distance ranges , the larger the map is created . " The robot continues to move toward the target position corresponding GPS coordinates . If entering a dead end , the robot reads the map , to find another route , moving there and back trying to reach the target ," said Holler .
 The committee can also add to the difficulty of competition . For example, by blocking the road with logs robot backwards . Or also a much more difficult obstacle recognizable robot . For example, the pool water surface looks solid or covered in mud.
Also the grass is actually not dangerous , sometimes can not be recognized by such a robot . Holler recalled previous trials related constraints of this grass .
" The route is heightened and the grass grows on the sides of the road . High grass , exactly the same high street . When tuning the laser to make the overall image of the area , the computer can no longer recognize the existing road . Those computers entirely flat appearance of the area " , said Holler .
As a result, the robot moves toward the grass and got stuck there unable to move . This is one of the weaknesses of the technique in the past , are now trying to be fixed .
Seeking and finding
In other competitions , the robot must find signs warning orange square . Such signs are usually affixed to trucks transporting toxic and hazardous materials . Robot duty photographing the sign and then create a map of the route to the sign.
Torsten informatics experts Fiolka entered the competition in this branch . He utilizes a laser scanner , whose function is not only able to measure the distance between two objects , but also the intensity of the reflected laser beam .
" Signs of the danger signs , generally emit very strong reflection , much stronger than other objects . So , in a cloud of data points I look for objects that laser powerful reflections and test it, if the dimensions of the danger signs warning signs " , said Fioloka explained methods.

All of that is not just a game . The target of this competition is to develop robots that assists the military , police or fire department in an emergency situation . That's why M - ELROB held under the watchful eye of the customers of potential candidates .
Competition organizers Frank Schneider of the Fraunhofer Institute for Communication , Information and Ergonomie analysis ( FKIE ) said , however, very important to develop a robot with more interest-oriented operation in hazardous or emergency conditions .
" Because the communication between the system and the user , in terms of the interaction between man and machine has so far been stepchildren in the family " , said Schneider .
Humans have superior sensory
There are fundamental reasons why the use of robots in surgery or emergency security is still viewed critically . Primarily on firefighting assignments , in emergency situations , helper robots are mostly still moving very slow and inflexible .

" Humans react much more quickly , and in a disaster scenario , every second was crucial ," said Frank Schneider . " Robots are deployed only in a very dangerous situation . Phones, always the helper officers wearing protective clothing , which work directly with the equipment " , says communications expert , and ergonomics that information . .
Considering such a situation , Andreas Ciossek of Telerob firm develops robot to defuse the bomb , and measured the levels of harmful gases or levels of radioactivity . But admittedly, a robot can not accurately assess whether a building is really threatened to collapse .
" If man were inside the building , they could assert , whether a wall was damaged . Humans can hear the faint sound of the walls were cracked , or see the subtle cracks . Through the camera on the robot , it is very difficult to be seen and heard ," said the robot was .
Ciossek said masakini robots , is still far from what is called a true artificial intelligence . " We must move away from the description of intelligent robots as they appear in the movie or television screen . Due to what appears to be all in the film can be made ​​, the reality is much different at all ," added robotics expert from the Telerob Firm .

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