Monday 23 December 2013

Cool Teenage German language

"Hey Babo?" If the German teenager is in their own circles, they often speak in slang that only clear meaning in their own circles.

The term is derived from the internet such as "Selfie" or "Yolo" but also words derived from Arabic as "Yallah" flowing into teen slang in German. Recently Langenscheid, a leading publishing company in Germany set "Babo "as the most popular word juvenile Germany in 2013. This decision was taken after a long election over the internet. This word bersal from Turkish which means leader or chief.

How could such words flowed into the vernacular of the teenagers in Germany? Why is this secamam words more frequently used?
Languages ​​cool Very Important for Teens
"Teens want to speak with other languages​​, to create limits on them. With it they can feel more cool than a teacher or an adult" said Eva Neuland, a linguist from the University Wuppertal. However the teens were not aware of having made ​​boundaries. Years 70 adolescent's behavior is very different, for example by holding the punk movement. "current teen language is more directed at the group feeling. could make the language of the restrictions, they are included in which group?". So for teenage bracket language serves as a means of identification with a particular group. 
Appears From Diversity Language 
Slang a group reflects the diversity of society. Adolescent immigrants from Eastern Europe, the Arab regions and Africa automatically using the words from their native language in everyday conversation, and this language was well received among teenagers and adapted.

Eva Neuland said "If someone has a friend who comes from the Turkish bench, sometimes the person absorbing the words that sounded interesting. And he also wants to understand and use words that have come to be ". As a result, teachers and parents can not always understand what the youth.

There is a growing exchange of language. But can words derived from Arabic and Turkish entry into the flow with strong German language than ever before as it does in English and French?
Arabic and Turkish Language Would be so cool Adolescents
" Is it really going to happen , can not be predicted by the study of language . My guess would be a very small percentage " , said Neuland . Language in adolescence can have a certain prestige . " Teenage boys like to brag example with language and can undergo existence as macho , like the rappers in his songs . , But with a higher likelihood I could have predicted that the adolescents who have entered the working lives or log in adulthood , will no longer use that language . "
German teen slang is not only influenced by other languages ​​, the Internet and political events that exist in the media will be absorbed by the teens and adjusted the language . Words such as " wulffen " meaning refers to the errors of former German president Christian Wulff or the word " Griechen " which means to borrow money or go bankrupt are some small examples .
" The words I would classify this kind of more on the student than the student . Course possible , if students absorb these words through the media . And if so , I hope parents and teachers to discuss the political context of the words with the students , so that words that can be understood clearly " demanded Eva Neuland . at the same time teenagers also have an obligation to explain on the internet about the terms they use . to facilitate communication between generations , here are some explanations of slang terms teens Germany .
Yolo : " You only live once" : is a call to do something without a second thought are too long , according to the motto : " Do not be afraid you only live once "
Geiern : is excessive greed . This word refers to a beggar or a greedy person on the free stuff .

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