Residents in Africa and Asia for hundreds of years have taken advantage of Catharanthus roseus or Tread Dara as nutritious plants for traditional medicine. Well known for a long time, Dara Tread nutritious plant drastic lowering of white blood cells, and is used to treat leukemia.
But since the last few years , parts of plants Tread Dara bekhasiat patented by the pharmaceutical industry and processed into a patent medicine sold at high prices in the market . Pharmaceutical companies that utilize local knowledge , related to the efficacy of Tread Dara plants or other plants , usually also cashing in large amounts .
For example, in 2000, the giant chemical companies of the United States , DuPont received a patent from the European patent office related to all kinds of corn oil contains a certain degree . Though the corn crop has existed in nature for thousands of years .
Situation that has triggered a number of environmental protection organizations accused pharmaceutical giant practicing piracy biological wealth . In addition Greenpeace also criticized the Mexican government 's grant of corn .
Protecting Local Wisdom
Ironically , when on the one hand and environmental protection organization exerts pressures of international aid , on the other hand many countries are actually harmed , be apathetic . This kondis trigger giant chemical company , the more daring and loot the wealth of local knowledge that has both scientific and economic value .
Now not only bekhasiat patented plant components , but also a variety of new varieties of fruits and vegetables from crosses or genetic engineering . The most widely criticized U.S. chemical company Monsanto .
" In addition, binding international agreements on the protection of biodiversity , such as the Nagoya Protocol, which was agreed in October 2010 , has yet to be fully implemented " , said Sven Hilbig organiasi aid of " Brot für die Welt . " . In the convention organized sharing of benefits from natural resources for the large population of people who traditionally since hundreds of years ago and used it as a medicinal plant .
Legality of War
The fight against piracy is indeed the biological wealth has listed some small success . For example, in March 1995 , two Indian researchers at the University of Mississippi USA gets patent for turmeric plant , which is typically used as a spice in Asian kitchen , as a wound healer .
Council of Science and Industrial Research in India reacted by filing a lawsuit to the U.S. patent office . They attach a millennia -old manuscripts in Sanskrit related to the use of turmeric as a cure wounds .
The U.S. patent office back then cancel the patent and other patents concerning turmeric as a medicine . It was a minor success in the war legality biological wealth .
However, in most cases , the war in the realm of law is not that easy . In the EU , for example , there are no uniform rules related to the biological wealth of 27 member states . Consequently Nagoya Protocol also difficult so far ratified in the EU .
So far, only 15 UN member states who have entered the Nagoya Protocol into its domestic legal system . To obtain the status of binding law , must be at least 50 members to ratify the United Nations
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