Sunday, 29 December 2013

Fight for Equality nun Thailand

Women should not be ordained according to the followers of the oldest school of Buddhism, Theravada, in Thailand. Now the Venerable Dhammananda nuns began to fight for the status of nuns in Thailand.
In Songdhammakalyani monastery, an hour from Bangkok, six nuns or Buddhist nuns dressed in saffron-colored robes, start the day with a morning prayer.

As per the teachings of Theravada sect, nuns follow a strict routine, getting up at 5 am for meditation, scripture study and collect alms from the surrounding villages.

This monastery looks like thousands of other monasteries in various parts of Thailand. But in Thailand, the only monastery inhabited by the nuns who have been ordained. Dhammananda Majesty is the head monastery of nuns.

Dhammananda now in her late 60's. His interest in Buddhism stems from his mother, who helped to establish the monastery Songdhammakalyani 1960. When it is the first monastery built by women, for women. Dhammananda was 10 years old when his mother was ordained - outside Thailand.

Ordination of women excluded
In the 50s , the mother Dhammananda Voramai Majesty , forbidden by the local Buddhist religious leaders to become nuns . Women are required to live as a layman , serving monks , and not be a nun .
In other Asian countries , such as Vietnam , Tibet or Taiwan , which follows the Mahayana sect , tradition ordained nuns has become common practice for centuries .
Voramai sure nuns have to engage social services , and also to follow the spiritual path . These pioneering souls who inspired her daughter to leave her career as an academic .
For three decades , Dhammananda is a professor of religious studies and philosophy at Thammasat University in Bangkok . He spawned a book about women and Buddhism , and even has a television show ' Dharma Talk , " a popular national and seized a number of awards .
But the focus changed . " It's quite a success for me , " said Dhammananda . " I 've been satisfied with the worldly life . Where next ? " The question that arises before he chose to follow his mother's footsteps and pursue ordination .


Strengthen the call for women
All over Thailand there are currently more than 30 nuns living in the convent . Several times women who want to be ordained monk accused of imitating , a violation of law in Thailand . Without legal recognition , nuns being ignored by the government of Thailand and the monk should not have the right .
" There is a hospital for monks but no clinic for nuns . So what if the nuns pain ? " asked Sutada Mekrungruengkul , a religion professor at the University of Yonok in Lampang . "Monk has its own university , but there is no university for women . Monks also receive a monthly pension from the government . "
Different character of the monastery Songdhammakalyani is access to education for women .
" Since I became nuns learn self-control , self-knowledge , " said Dhammasiri ( 53 ) , who was ordained four years ago .
" Venerable Dhammananda feminist approach to religious texts so empowering , " said Dhammasiri . " Unlike the male-dominated monastery , he can give us the Dharma of Buddha from a female perspective . "


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