Wednesday, 1 January 2014

What is Traumatic Brain Injury?

Concussion in the head by accident skiing or motorcycle racing, often triggering traumatic brain injury. Intracranial injury of this kind can be recovered - or it could be deadly.

Brain injury as light as anything can be bad even fatal . Although the skull is very stable and protects the brain , concussion from a blow or a fall can damage the skull , brain , and blood vessels in them injured , causing intracranial injury or traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) .
Shortly after the accident , it is not easy to see whether and how bad brain injury suffered . Brain bleeding or swelling dangerous new often occur many hours or several days later .
Therefore , doctors often only assess the seriousness of a head injury from external symptoms - for example , how the behavior of the patient , whether their eyes open when called , whether the patient is able to control their movements , whether they react when stimulated pain , and how long they are not aware of .
Some degree of injury
Traumatic brain injury may not be dangerous - or it could be deadly . Doctors divide again the seriousness of brain injury into different levels : the first and the lightest known as concussion . Scan showed no damage , and if the brain functions are disrupted, can usually return to normal within four days .
The second stage occurs when the patient is unconscious for a long time - 15 minutes or more . Default rule , the longer the patient is unconscious , the greater the risk of damage to physical and mental settled . In the case of the moderate level of brain injury , paralysis symptoms generally subsided after four weeks . But other disturbances after it - such as reduced concentration problems , dizziness , or headache symptoms - can continue for many years .
Patients with severe brain injury , usually unconscious for more than an hour , and the consequences to the nervous system is very large . A patient with severe brain injury of this kind can suffer convulsions , paralysis , and even personality changes . This kind of damage is usually not recoverable .

reduce pressure
Accurate diagnosis of the seriousness of a brain injury can be obtained from imaging technologies, such as computed tomography (CAT), which provides the results of a three-dimensional X-ray scanning of the brain. It allows doctors to see signs of bleeding, bruising (or hematoma), and swelling (or puffy).

Patients with traumatic brain injury of moderate or severe should be under intensive care. An emergency surgery is often needed to reduce harmful pressure inside the skull, the skull bones are not given the sheath allow brain swelling.

In such cases, doctors have to drill small holes in the skull to relieve pressure from the blood or other fluids that continue to accumulate. Pressure on the brain must be continually monitored, while drugs that encourage the production of urine can also help reduce stress.

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