Tuesday 24 December 2013

Christmas in Poverty

Christmas without a Christmas gift or a special meal and a Christmas tree? It was felt by the poor families in Germany. This is the reality.

Rushed up the stairs a second floor apartment, Mary called out to his mother: "'Mother, under the existing building flea market, there are headphones for three million dollars, now sold only three hundred thousand dollars, I want to buy it for a Christmas gift for Eugene. "

Their flats or apartment is located in the district of Tannenbush, Bonn. "Can you lend me some money huh? Later allowance cut it," said the 16-year-old girl seducing her gently.

"But you know that the money Mom left only 300 thousand dollars, Mary," said Manuela Ceraceanu to his daughter: "I'm broke."

Manuela Ceraceanu a 38-year-old Hartz IV recipients, or financial assistance from the state for people not to work more than a year or earning below the national minimum wage.

In addition to his sister Mary and Eugene, Manuela Ceraceanu has three other children. When her husband left her a few years ago, the company he had to take care of her children sendirian.Selain received financial assistance from the state, the mother of five worked as a janitor, with a salary of about two million dollars per month. He received a Christmas bonus from his employer about 700 thousand dollars, which he wants to be fair to her children. There is no special preparation for the celebration of Christmas this year.

About 1.5 million children in Germany are children Hartz IV recipients, said Christoph Butterwegge poverty researchers, who recently published the book "Poverty in Rich Countries". He mentioned, "The government is the care of the primary obligation. Donations just functioning as a complement. "According to him, should be available for special things for the unemployed.

Before the reform of unemployment benefits in 2005, it is still possible special assistance. For example, social assistance recipients can apply for money to repair the broken washing machine.

According to the latest national rankings released Gesamtverbands Paritätischen body, about 15 percent of Germans into the poor category. This means that the average of those earning less than 869 euros. In fact, a family with two children under the age of 14 in Germany, spending an average of 1,826 euros should.

Rich and poor gap 

In the state of Baden-Württemberg, about one in ten people live below the poverty line. There, the poverty level has increased significantly in the past year. One in five people have less money than needed. While in Bremen, one in four people are at risk of poverty.

Expert social problems Christoph Butterwegge said: "The gap between rich and poor is great here ..."

Entrepreneurs simply provide more mini-jobs, or work with clock-poverty wages, and employment contracts. Real wages barely rising, while the cost of living more expensive.

Horst-Dieter Tontarski dari organisasi bantuan Bonner Tafel mengatakan kebijakan politik juga berkontribusi pada tumbuhnya kemiskinan di Jerman: "Sebagai contoh, jika kenaikan uang pensiun sebesar 0,25 persen, dan di sisi lain segala sesuatunya semakin mahal , maka tidak heran bahwa orang yang semakin miskin dan makin banyak pula yang mengajukan permohonan bantuan."

Ditambahkannya, “Kami menerima formulir permohonan bantuan baru, sampai-sampai kami tidak lagi tahu apa yang harus dilakukan. Jika ada perempuan renta berusia 80 tahun berdiri di depan Anda memohon bantuan dan kita tak dapat membantu, tentu bukan perkara mudah untuk mengatakan yang sesungguhnya.“

The gift of a donation 

Tafel Bonner aid organization specializes in providing food aid . Over 3000 people come there every week and get the basic needs .
The organization has launched a Christmas campaign for Life Action . Horst - Dieter Bonner Tontarski of aid organizations Tafel telling : " From the people we get the package in the form of coffee , chocolate , and if we are lucky sometimes wine , in which poor people can not afford it . Sometimes there are also toys for children children , but it is not essential . "
In many cities , decorated Christmas trees . Young children from poor families hang their wish list in the tree . Affluent people there also ynag menggeletakan Christmas there .
Manuela Ceraceanu volunteer who collects gifts . It gets four sacks datri a toy donation bank , which he distributed in his apartment block to the 16 children who live there . " Young children are very happy , " he said . " I am grateful to the volunteers who are trying to prepare for our Christmas . "
Despite the shortcomings , the mother of five children , was still grateful to be able to buy a Christmas tree with a very cheap price and get food from Tafel Bonner , " No need extravagance , " he said : " The most important day of togetherness at Christmas . "

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