Tuesday 24 December 2013

German Teens: Which is the Most Important Family At Christmas

Christmas is not separated from the gift, Christmas tree, gathered at the Christmas Market. But for the younger generation of Germans, together with family is paramount.

If Felix Müller smell the Lebkuchen , warm cinnamon and wine , for her Christmas season has begun . " With our friends around the high table in the corner the Christmas market , rich wine warm spices ,
or Glühwein , or bakwan Reibekuchen eat potatoes , chat , it is the most wonderful times for me at this time of year , " said 17 year old student that year . " I do not go to church , but for me the important thing is togetherness . "
That is why before Christmas , Felix the flock afternoon with classmates to Bonn Christmas Market . That steaming cup of Gluhwein clutched in hand , while listening to music .
Shortly before December 24 , the people , especially young people like to flock to the Christmas Market . Non - permanent market consists of wooden shacks festive decorated and set up in urban centers . Shortly before Christmas , the people too busy utilizing the final seconds of a Christmas gift hunting . Or even spend time with friends . Is Christmas so special for them ?
" For me , Christmas means eating with the family . We all sat at the table and surrounded by Christmas tree lights , " said Rebekka Fröhlich . " Normally we do not have much time together . , But at Christmas , it's different . "

Family is top priority

" Christmas is very meaningful to many young people in Germany , " said Martina Gille of the German Youth Institute ( DJI ) , " especially since there is a family event . " Graduates sociologists since the mid-1980s it is working with young children and observe what is important to their lives . " Over the last 20 years , we observed an increase in traditional values ​​among adolescent and young adult , " said Gillespie . Instead of thinking only of themselves , they re- think of the importance of family .
The work is important for the younger generation . "The future for a lot of students have not definitely , " says social scientist Martina Gille . Despite the fact , young people who became unemployed in Germany is significantly lower than in other countries , which is about 5.3 percent . Many young people after undergoing job training will get a fixed -term employment contract . In addition to jobs , the other grip is quite important in life is family , plus Gille .

religious significance

Christoph Tillman also spent Christmas Eve with his parents. Unlike many of her classmates, 15-year-olds are most looking forward to the moments Mass at the church. "Christmas is the birth of Christ, because it is the service of faith should be the main event," said the students who come from Christian families. "It is also in accordance with the event in the church Christmas play., But the distribution of Christmas gifts later, is not too important."

With these views, Tilmann looks different with his colleagues. "I'm not religious, and show yourself better in front of the church," said Elisa Kuhr, aged 16 years. "While my parents went to church. I prefer to sit at home and spend a pleasant evening." He really likes when there is snow outside the window and kissed the smell of Christmas fir tree in the room of his house.

Christmas religious significance in the context of ecclesiastical reduced, "Martina said Gille. Study conducted Shell shows that, for adolescents 'religion' in general in occupied Germany after the political and cultural status., According to the poll.

Instead of attending church, many students prefer to develop new traditions. "In our family, we usually go to the movies on Christmas Day," said Janina Keusch. "When we came back from the cinema, the gifts have been waiting for."

Like to make a gift

At the Christmas Market, Franziska Schirneck standing with his friends in the middle of the hustle and bustle. "For many young people, an important means to receive great gifts," said the student was 20-year-old teacher. "There are many people who spend Christmas not as we do. So we have to appreciate all of it, in humility."

Franziska very happy giving pleasure to their friends and family members, "I like to make a gift. This is much better than getting a gift." Purchase a gift already started last week. Now she can prepare for the next few days - and the rest.

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