Monday 23 December 2013

Good Life of Migrants in Germany

Expat in Germany who speaks German very well satisfied with his life said. These research results "Glückatlas 2013". However, the experts do not want to believe it.

What exactly is the meaning of happiness? And how to achieve it? This question is also of interest to researchers. According to them, happiness is contentment someone will live run. This is something that can be measured.

"Glücksatlas 2013" or "happiness map 2013" is the name of a number of investigators assigned to the project company Deutsche Post to quantify the level of happiness of Germans. In particular migrants. The result is surprising.

Germans with migration background is quite satisfied with his life in Germany. Especially those who master the German language well. 49 percent of migrants under survey stating its financial condition with good to very good, while the natives of Germany only 45 per cent.

Happy because migration

Arif Ünal not surprised with this result: "Migration can be used as a preventive health measure. It depends on the motivation of people to move to another country and its condition at the time. For many, migration is a way to save lives. Having said that they are happy. "Ünal originated from Turkey and now leads the central part of the social competence of psychiatric migrants in Cologne.

Researchers happiness January Delhey have a similar opinion: For many people living in Germany is better than in the country of origin. "In Germany, the focus tends to be on the problems the migrants, such as discrimination. Whilst good condition migrants mostly just ignored."

Discrimination can also be a factor that lowers the level of life satisfaction. Thus the findings "Glücksatlas 2013". More than half of the migrants surveyed said they had received unfair treatment because of its origins. This problem particularly faced by migrants from Turkey.

Happy formula: having, loving, and existence

Is the person happy with his life or not, does not come by itself. This opinion Delhey happiness researchers from Jacobs University in Bremen. According Delhey his formula like this: "Having, love and existence." Have a material is needed, so representative of the income and standard of living. Love is a social relationship. "And existence is what we do with life. Humans are very active and interested in something specific, basically very satisfied with his life."

Some of the results of the study "Glücksatlas" completely unacceptable though experts Ünal and Delhey. That is, migrants who were born in Germany happier than migrants who moved by itself. "There is a review of the results of opposites. First generation migrants in a more satisfied than the second generation. Notwithstanding the second generation integrated better," explained Delhey a surprise with the result "Glücksatlas".

"The first generation is directly moved to another country, basically coming from poorer countries with worse living standards. So upon arrival in Germany, they find their lives improved. While the second generation born in Germany to focus more on their position in society Germany. "

Another thing that can not be revealed by this study is how happy each individual with his life. January Delhey have two suggestions for those who want to be happier. That is active and may spend as much time with other people. "Do not just sit at home, watching TV and eating chips. Better off, have hobbies and sports."

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